Are you experiencing something that you’d rather not experience?
- Physical pain or discomfort?
- Recurring negative thoughts?
- Uncomfortable emotions?
- Difficult circumstances?
With iClearIt, you can clear almost any problem or issue that’s interfering with your happiness, or your progress, or is causing you discomfort or pain.
iClearIt is a first-of-its-kind self-help app. It’s like having a professional therapist or coach inside your phone, available anytime you need help with a problem.
Our videotaped coach will guide you through the elegant and effective iClearIt Process. It’s a mindfulness practice that focuses your attention on body sensations associated with your problem or issue. You’ll discover that you can literally disappear whatever is bothering you – in only about 20 minutes. You’ll gain clarity and peace of mind. And if the problem doesn’t disappear completely, you’ll have a new, fresh perspective, and you’ll be in a much better position and frame of mind to deal with the issue effectively.
The iClearIt Process™ has helped tens of thousands of people around the world eliminate pain, uncomfortable emotions, and troubling thoughts. It has empowered people to change their life circumstances. You’ll find it easy to clear your own mind, and shift your own mood. You can melt away blocks, barriers, and resistance that have been keeping you stuck, so you can move forward more easily, and create the life you want to live.
Use iClearIt to reduce the hold that persistent pains or strong emotions have on you. If you’re in the middle of a business or relationship problem, iClearIt will help you transition into a more peaceful state of mind, and a more open heart. You’ll feel stronger, more resourceful, and more able to manage your circumstances from a centered and grounded state.
With iClearIt, you can clear your space so you can face life with more confidence, love and wisdom.
We’d love to hear your feedback.

- Peaceful
- Connected
- Mindful
- Empowered
- Clear uncomfortable, annoying, or bad feelings or experiences – easily and quickly.
- Feel more empowered and in control of your own mental and emotional state.
- Feel clearer, brighter, and more able to deal with your circumstances.
- Clear blocks, barriers and resistance that block you from accomplishing your goals.
- Share your experiences on Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest.
- A coach guides you through the process; 40 brief videos with clear instructions.
- Switch from video instructions to audio-only or text-only mode
- Use Voice-to-Text dictation to enter your responses to questions.
- All features and processes included in download. First use is free.